The InvestReady Network
Newsletter Platform

Our new newsletter format:
The Burns List
with Jessica Burns

New Look + Better Value for
Investors & Issuers

  • Delivery twice per month

  • Live webinars every two months hosted by our Head of Marketing, Jessica Burns

  • 10 segments per issue + two ad slots

  • Interviews, events, special offers, and more, curated by Jessica for our growing accredited investor list of over 12,000 investors.

  • Our newsletters get on average a 30-40% open rate and 1-2% clickthrough, and that was before the format change

Section 1 - Sponsored Interview/Video

  • Our issue Top Sponsor gets top billing, with an interview, video, or other interactive multimedia option for them to provide meaningful information to our network of accredited investors. Jessica can even interview a sponsor's CEO or other spokesperson on a beautiful South Florida-based Yacht on Youtube show, Spilling the NFTea, relaunching in the Fall of 2024.

Sample Newsletter Issue:

The Burns List - MM/DD/YYYY

Jessica Burns Curates a List of Opportunities, News Items, Events & More for Accredited Investors

1. Jessica interviews [insert name here], Part 1

I spoke with [sponsor's CEO] about their offering and what's next for them. Check out the interview and you can also learn more by clicking here.

Sections 2 - 5 - Curated events, news items, popular deals

  • Sections 2-5 will feature premium spots for curated events, offers, and other relevant news and items for our network of verified accredited investors.

  • Each of the 4 sections in this part of the newsletter will include a highlighted title, a real or ai-generated image of Jessica interacting with the content, and a personalized message in first person voice providing more information about the opportunity, event, deal or whatever message the section's sponsor would like delivered.

  • As part of our curation process, we'll be attempting to negotiate low cost or free entry into events for verified accredited investors, and Jessica will be hosting live webinars that will be promoted on the newsletter every two months, with sponsorship opportunities for the webinars as well.

2. Mercedes-Benz Financial Services First Class Demand Notes

I love Mercedes and now I can invest with them too and so can you! With the MBFS First Class Demand Note, I can earn interest on my money and have immediate access to it if I need it. First Class prestige. First Class stability.

4. Accredited Investor Live Webinar, sponsored by [YOUR Company]

I’m hosting a webinar with [Sponsor's] Co-Founder, [Name] on MM/DD/YYYY. You’ll be able to speak with me, [Name], and your fellow investors. Please click below to register.

3. Kingsbarn Realty Capital

Kingsbarn makes creating a diverse real estate portfolio easier than ever. They offer Real Estate dividend yield annual cumulative preferred return and more.

5. Alts Chicago Conference 2024

If you’re in the Chicago area in late July, check out the ALTSCHI conference, an education-focused alternative investment event designed to bring the investor community together for dialogue and discussion on the most relevant topics facing investors and managers today.

Ad Section - Two Slots

  • The next segment provides two slots for advertisements, image or text, providing advertisers with the ability to craft their message themselves and get it in front of our large investor-base



Sections 6 - 7

  • Sections 6-7 will feature similar opportunities as sections 2-5, but without the added image. This section will provide great value for startups or event hosts to get their message to our users.

6. Onfolio

Onfolio offers lets you invest in cashflowing online business acquisitions, 12% annual preferred shares, Min:$5k

7. Kingsbarn Realty Capital

KKR sponsors investment funds that invest in private equity, credit and real assets and has strategic partners that manage hedge funds. - Min:$20k

Sections 8 - 10

  • Sections 8-10 are our lowest cost segments, providing opportunities to those just starting out or with limited funds to get their offering in front of investors that can make a huge difference in their projects.

8. Security Token Market

My go-to place to see the latest in RWA and Security Token news and info. They keep you up to date on the latest and greatest within the Security Token Market Industry including news, commentary, and more!

9. Angel Capital Association

Since 2005, ACA has been the trade association of leading angels around the world - providing professional development, best practices, networking and collaboration opportunities for angel investors.

10. Select Membership

I love luxury and I also love saving money. Select lets me do both, by giving me amazing discounts on highend restaurants & experiences. Use Code InvestReadyVIP and save on the annual membership fee.

Interested in Sponsoring?
Contact us below!

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